
Saturday, May 27, 2023

Checking Immune Cells Online Quiz

Immune Cells - Online Quiz

Form 4 Biology Online Exams

Somaliland High Schools


Teacher - Ahmed Omaar

Quiz Developed By Ombiology4u - Macalin Axmed Omaar

1.Which of the following immune cells engulf and destroy pathogen through phagocytosis?

Ans: [Neutrophils]Explanation: Neutrophils are type of white blood cells which engulf and destroy pathogens through phagocytosis. Neutrophils are phagocytes. Neutrophils are immune cells in the second line of non-specific immune system.

2.What is the function of mast cells?

Ans: [Release histamine]Explanation: Mast cells are type of white blood cells found in body tissues. Mast cells release a chemical called histamine. Histamine is responsible for the initiation of inflammatory response.

3.What is the function of natural killer cells?

Ans: [Lyse and kill virus infected body cells]Explanation: Natural killer cells, also known as NK cell or killer cells are type of white blood cells which release a protein called perforin to insert the membrane of the virus infected body cell by making pores which allow water to rush into the infected body cell and rupture.

4.All of the following are granulocytes, except

Ans: [Macrophages]Explanation: White blood cells are divided into two groups, which are granulocytes and agranulocytes. Granulocytes are Neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils, while agranulocytes are macrophages (or monocytes) and lymphocytes.

5.B-lymphocytes mature in

Ans: [Bone marrow]Explanation: The two main types of lymphocytes are B-lymphocytes (B-cells) and T-lymphocytes (T-cells). B-lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow, while T-lymphocytes mature in the thymus gland.

6.The process of engulfing and destroying pathogen is called

Ans: [Phagocytosis]

7.The process by which defense cells are attracted to the bacteria is known as

Ans: [Chemotaxis]

8.Which of the following white blood cells are agranulocytes?

Ans: [Lymphocytes]Explanation: White blood cells are divided into two groups, which are granulocytes and agranulocytes. Granulocytes are Neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils, while agranulocytes are lymphocytes and macrophages (or monocytes).

9.Antibodies are produced by

Ans: [Plasma cells of B-cells]Explanation: B-cells are type of lymphocytes which divide into plasma cells and memory cells during an immune response. Plasma cells produce antibodies. Memory cells remain in the blood to provide long term protection, and divide into more memory cells and plasma cells if the same pathogen enters the body again.

10.Which type of T-lymphocytes secrete interleukin-2 or lymphokine to initiate an immune response?

Ans: [T-helper cells]Explanation: T-helper cells initiate the immune response. T-helper cells secrete a chemical substance called interleukin-2 or lymphokine which stimulate cytotoxic T-cells and also stimulate B-cells to divide and secrete antibodies.

11.Which type of T-cells lyse and kill virus infected body cells?

Ans: [Killer T-cells] Explanation: Killer T-cells, also known as cytotoxic T-cells lyse or destroy virus infected body cells and also cancer cells.

12.The type of white blood cells that mature in the thymus gland are

Ans: [T-lymphocytes]Explanation: The two main types of lymphocytes are T-lymphocytes (T-cells) and B-lymphocytes (B-cells). T-lymphocytes mature in the thymus gland, while B-lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow.

13.HIV attackes and infects

Ans: [T-helper cells]

14.Which immune cells are known as antigen presenting cells?

Ans: [Macrophages and dendritic cells] Explanation: Macrophages and dendritic cells are white blood cells known as antigen presenting cells (APCs), because they present the antigen of the killed pathogen to T-helper cells (type of T-lymphocytes) to initiate an immune response.

15.Which immune cells are responsible for cell mediated immunity?

Ans: [T-lymphocytes]Explanation: Adaptive immune response can be divided into cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity (or antibody mediated immunity). Cell mediated immunity is provided by T-lymphocytes, while humoral immunity or antibody mediated immunity is provided by B-lymphocytes.

©Ombiology4u - Hormoodka Caawiyaha Ardeyda Somaliland, Markasta iyo Meelkasta.

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