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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

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Hormood ka Caawiyaha Ardayda Dugsiyada Sare ee Somaliland - OMBIOLOGY4U.

Ombiology4u is the leading free educational website for Somaliland Secondary School Students.

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OMBIOLOGY4U - Hormoodka Kaabaha Ardayda Dugsiyada Sare ee Somaliland

Ombiology4u - Hoyga Casharada, Buugta iyo Imtixaanada Dugsiyada Sare ee Somaliland.

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Monday, November 28, 2022


Page Title Hello World!

Exam check sample quiz

Quiz Questions And Answers

Quiz Questions

Question 1.
He -------------------- it.

don't like
doesn't like
doesn't likes

Question 2.
They -------------------- here very often.
don't come
doesn't come
doesn't comes

Question 3.
John and Mary -------------------- twice a week.

Question 4.
I -------------------- mind at all.

Question 5.
It -------------------- sense.
don't make
doesn't makes
doesn't make

Question 6.
They -------------------- happy.

Question 7.
You -------------------- to do it.

don't have
doesn't have
doesn't has

Question 8.
She -------------------- a brother.
doesn't has
don't has
doesn't have

Question 9.
The journey -------------------- an hour.

Question 10.
I -------------------- it now.

Question 11.
Peggy -------------------- by bus.

Question 12.
She --------------------.
don't know
doesn't knows
doesn't know

Question 13.
She -------------------- hard.

Question 14.
They -------------------- football every weekend.

Question 15.
The exam -------------------- two hours.

Number of score out of 15 = Score in percentage =

1. What is the full form of the RAM?

... Answer is B)
The full form of RAM is "Random Access Memory"

2. What is the Brain of a Computer?

... Answer is C)
CPU is called brain of the computer.

3. Who is the prime minister of India

... Answer is A)
Narenda Modi is the Prime minister of india.

1. What is the function of red blood cells?

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Check exam 2

Question goes here.
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Check exam

What fraction of a day is 6 hours?

Choose 1 answer